MeTA1 1.0.Alpha14.0
Last Update 2012-12-02
MeTA1 1.0.Alpha14.0 is available for testing.
It enables basic DH support for STARTTLS in the SMTP server
and modifies the behaviour of the scheduler
if a limit for outgoing connections is reached.
See below for details.
The source code distribution and the PGP signature are available at:
SHA1 (meta1-1.0.Alpha14.0.tar.gz) = 6b761837d74287c995ba28d81cef0085067556e9
SHA1 (meta1-1.0.Alpha14.0.tar.gz.sig) = d6e00e13d059eb0e3f268481037000b1b66ea4bd
- 2012-11-29
Enable basic DH support for STARTTLS in SMTP server.
- 2012-11-02
If a limit for outgoing connections was reached, the scheduler
previously only tried other servers with the same MX preference (in
contrast to actual temporary SMTP problems which would of course
go through all available servers as specified in the RFCs). This
behaviour was changed to try the next server even if it has a
different MX preference in order to speed up delivery (the previous
behaviour was implemented to avoid hitting "off site backup MX"
servers which could make the overall deliver to the actual recipient
longer, however, it seems very few sites actually still use those
kind of setups).
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Copyright 2012 © Claus Aßmann;
all rights reserved.